How to grow healthy eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyelashes and eyebrows are an essential part of your face. No matter how beautiful you are, if your eyebrows and eyelashes are not healthy does not look your best.
Now the question is, what you do for them. Talking about you grow healthy scalp hair, your eyebrows and eyelashes too healthy.

You can try some of these tips to the shiny black eyelashes and eyebrows back:
First Head Massage Hair - This improves the blood circulation not only your scalp but also make the facial hair, eyebrows and eyelashes thicker and darker.
Second Almond oil you take a drop of almond oil and gently over your eyebrows.
Third Eight massage - I've talked about this method in sections of facial massage. This helps to keep the eyes healthy and blood flow around them.
4th No eyelash curling - If your eyelashes are artificial lure brittle hair and falling rapidly Your eyelashes is no magic again. Make take some time (days, months). This applies only if you will not suffer from any medical condition. If you suffer from some disease, you should talk to your doctor about it.

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